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INPACT’s Latin America Members Meeting 2015 - Santiago, Chile

Building Up Resources and Improving Contacts with Other Latin American Firms

For the new member firms from Brazil and Honduras, their first meeting made them eager to attend future events. In fact, the member firm from Brazil also pledged to attend the upcoming meeting in Lisbon to further increase the firm’s international contacts.

Those in attendance included representatives from member firms in following countries: Argentina (Marcelo Berge – INPACT International Board member and Eduardo Vazquez), Brazil (Aderbal Hope and Rogerio Kita), Chile (Victor Mancilla, Fredy Aguayo, Cristian Retamal, Orlando Meneses, Mario Soza and Ana Maria Pozo), Ecuador (Washington Batallas), Guatemala (Mibzar Castañon), Honduras (José Antonio Montoya), Paraguay (Arnaldo Acosta and Esteban Almada), Peru (Wencis Vigo and Jeancarlo Vigo) and Uruguay (Alberto Rodriguez and Miguel Barberousse).

Throughout the meeting, the member firms shared both resources and referrals to bolster each other’s capacity to serve their clients. On Friday, the representatives from their respective member firms attended a talk with the president of the Institute of Accountants in Santiago, who provided them with even more tools for succeeding in the accounting industry in Latin America.

Highlights from the Latin America Meeting

Perez noted that he was happy to see the Latin American member firms working with one another cohesively. He mentioned that the members referred clients to each other and set goals to work more closely together in the future.

He also mentioned a potential exchange program wherein employees would swap positions at firms in order to further understand what their fellow members do in their fields of expertise.

The INPACT administration currently facilitates similar meetings in all regions of the globe and hopes to bring the same level of co-operation, productivity, and camaraderie to each event.

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