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INPACT Member Fiduciaire Saugy – Hosts German and French Speaking Meeting

Delegates were drawn from a wide geographical area including Austria, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Senegal, Sweden, Switzerland and Tunisia. Indicative of the increasing geographical spread of INPACT.

The event commenced with a welcome reception, held at the Alpha-Palmiers Hotel, where attendees were able to network and meet old friends and make new contacts.

This event was followed on Friday by presentations from two clients of Fiduciaire Saugy; DEV (Développement Economique Vaudois) and Konferenz von Swiss Space Systems (S3).

Daniel Perez provided an update on developments within INPACT, an introduction to the current Board and details of the recent IAB award. He also shared some statistics on INPACT membership and the number of offices with the Association. Daniel then went on to outline ways in which members could assist INPACT in its growth strategy whilst helping the development of their own firms.

This presentation helped prompt a positive and informative discussion amongst attendees about the strategic development of Inpact over the next few years. These ideas will be shared with the Board.

The session then divided into two regional meetings for each respective language group.

The day concluded with a spectacular and well-earned dinner at the Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne.

On Saturday members enjoyed a day visiting venues in the city and networking with other members.

INPACT would like to thank Fiduciaire Saugy and in particular Roger Saul for organising and hosting this highly successful event.

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