INPACT announces changes to its EMEA & CSA Board
To facilitate more effective decision making and to reduce the cost of physical meetings, the Board will now consist of a maximum of 7 members (including the Executive Director).
The Board had 10 members retired its 3 longest serving members: Antonio Bragaglia, Mohamed Bouattour and Jose Maria Sanchez at the 2017 AGM in Athens last month. INPACT EMEA & CSA would like to thank them for their years of dedicated service on the Board.
INPACT EMEA & CSA also recognises the need to rotate its Board members more frequently to allow new members to bring in new ideas and perspectives. There will now be a 9-year maximum term for Board members and a 2-year term for the President and Vice President positions.
As a result, Ralf Zeiss will take over as INPACT EMEA & CSA President replacing Lena Fiedler who will remain on the Board. Marcelo Berge is the new INPACT EMEA & CSA Vice President. The Board would also like to thank Lena Fiedler for her excellent leadership as President.
A Board Selection Committee has been formed to choose future Board members. The Board Selection Committee currently consists of Marcelo Barge (Argentina), Frans Razenberg (Netherlands) and Moshe Yeskin (Israel). The role of the committee is to review candidates and propose a shortlist at future AGMs. New Board members will be elected at the 2018 and 2019 AGMs. A Director’s Profile has been created and can be accessed here. If you would like to nominate yourself or somebody for election to the Board, please contact Tendai White at tendai@inpactint.com for more information.
Click here to access to Job Description Member of the Board of Directors of INPACT EMEA & CSA