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INPACT Peru Member Celebrates 30th Anniversary

Based in Lima, the firm was established back in August 1988 by founding partner Mr Wencis Vigo Silva, and the celebrations gave partners and staff the opportunity to look back at thirty years of providing first class Audit, Tax & Advisory to their clients.

INPACT Operations Director, Daniel Perez comments,

“I am sure that INPACT members will want to join with me in offering our congratulations to Vigo & Asociados on their 30th Anniversary. We were delighted to welcome them as our first member in Peru back in 2000 and they have been an excellent addition to the membership. We wish them many more years of successful trading to come.”

Vigo & Asociados are mainly focused on Audit services to Public Sector companies but they also offer private clients a full range of Accounting, Audit, Tax & Corporate Finance and Financial Advisory & Consultancy services. They pride themselves on adding real value to clients’ businesses, helping them achieve their operational objectives, and finding solutions to business issues and conflicts. Vigo & Asociados have close contacts with a range of legal and business professionals to help support clients with all their varying business needs.

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