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New Year – New INPACT Training

INPACT Global accounting association is committed to providing its members with excellent training and learning resources in addition to the networking and knowledge sharing opportunities that take place throughout their various meetings and conferences.

In keeping with INPACT’s strategic objective to provide ‘Enhanced Marketing & Practice Management Services’ for members, the association has announced the offer of a first-class, discounted CPD training programme for its members that will run throughout 2019.

The international webinar programme is designed to keep auditors, accountants and tax professionals up to date with international tax, accounting and practice management issues. The training is delivered by 2020 Innovation Training through a series of hour-long webinars throughout 2019 on a ‘pay as you go’ basis, allowing members to select the modules most suited to their needs.

INPACT Executive Director, Tendai White comments,

“This is an excellent, cost-effective learning resource for members that will to help them to stay up to date and gain increased knowledge across a wide range of topics. We have secured a 25% discount with the provider, which means the programme offers excellent value for money.”

The training programme is delivered by well-known and experienced speakers covering a wide range of subjects from technical matters that include IFRS and International Tax on Trade, through to practice management issues such as Marketing for Success and Technology Updates.

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