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Meeting in Milan for EMEA & CSA Board

The Board was delighted to welcome Antony Federer, from Rayner Essex Accountants in London and St Albans as a new Board member. Antony officially joined the Board in October 2018 and this was his first opportunity to attend a full Board meeting.

The group gathered at the offices of Milan member, Studio Verna and the full EMEA & CSA Board was in attendance:

  • Ralf Zeiss - Germany (President)
  • Marcelo Berge - Argentina (Vice-President)
  • Lena Fiedler - Sweden (Immediate Past President)
  • Frans Razenberg - Netherlands
  • Jean-Philippe Gioanni - France
  • Antony Federer - United Kingdom

Board President, Ralf Zeiss comments,

“Our EMEA & CSA Strategic Plan set ambitious targets for growth and development of the association. Our Board meetings are essential to provide an update of our progress, to ensure we stay focused and to consider new initiatives that support our plans.”

In addition to the Board meeting, Italian Speaking members welcomed the opportunity to meet together at Studio Verna, a founding INPACT member. They held constructive talks and left with a firm commitment to meet again in the near future.

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