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INPACT Latin America Members get down to Business in Brazil

Fernando Muramatsu, from host member NK Group, welcomed delegates to the meeting and introduced the NK team. His colleague, Andre Barreta, and Marcelo Berge, of Berge Vazquez y Asociados, delivered interesting and informative presentations on Transfer Pricing, calculation and analysis.

A meeting highlight was provided by Leandro Castro, a lawyer specialising in International Tax Treaties, who presented on Brazil’s application to join the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the steps the country still has to take. He also presented a review of current International tax treaties between Brazil and other countries.

On Friday, delegates heard from NK member, Andre Felipe, who delivered an informative session on Global Mobility and the issues for Expatriates.

Daniel Perez, INPACT Operational Manager, updated the delegates on INPACT developments over the last 12 months, which was followed by open forum discussions to look at business development and collaboration initiatives for the Latin America region. Daniel comments,

“The INPACT regional meetings offer the opportunity for true face-to-face engagement that really helps increase collaboration and develop business opportunities. We thank NK Group for hosting the meeting and look forward to working on the initiatives discussed at the event.”

The next Latin America annual meeting is scheduled for 26th-28th August 2020 and will be hosted by WCC Consulting Group in Costa Rica.

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