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It was a successful start to a series of forums that are all about promoting referrals, discussing new business opportunities and exploring new venues for member collaboration.

INPACT Marketplace sessions will be held fortnightly, aiming to ease member collaboration and provide a discussion platform to explore clients’ business proposals and opportunities. Each Zoom session will last for 90 minutes and there will be a 10-15 minute slot available for a key speaker to outline a specific client project, tender, investment or business opportunity for which they require support from INPACT members. In addition, up to 10 members will be given a 5 minute slot to talk through the business and investment needs and opportunities of their key clients. And of course there will be time for questions and discussion thereafter.

If you have a client who is searching for an investor, or one with a business opportunity requiring international support/services, whether you need to work on an international project or simply discuss business opportunities with fellow members, INPACT Marketplace is just the place for you. Please email daniel@inpactint.com to share your business opportunity.

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