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INPACT Welcomes New Member in Sweden

ABC Revision stands for Audit, Business & Consulting and is founded by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. Their clients range from small and medium-sized owner-managed companies to foundations, associations and overseas branches. They aim to contribute to efficiency improvements with their work.

The team at ABC Revision is committed to make a difference and customised their services to meet their clients’ needs. They are passionate about delivering audits and services of the greatest quality and work to provide the finest possible ethical and professional standards. High professionalism and high standards are what characterize ABC’s values.

INPACT Operations Manager, Daniel Perez, comments:

“We are pleased to welcome ABC Revision as a new valuable member of our alliance! They are a committed, focused and goal-oriented firm, aiming to be at hand for their customers. We are fascinated by their professional approach and their fundamental values.”

For more information about our new member, please visit ABC Revision

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