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Jeff Nischwitz’s presentation helped the participants to gain an understanding of transparency, the decision making shift in unprecedented times, and how they lead to unprecedented opportunities.

Jeff talked about how the current global pandemic caused a big disruption both in our businesses and personal lives, and how to slowly learn to gain control over the said disruption.

The focus was on the two pandemics currently going on – the coronavirus pandemic, and the fear pandemic. It impacts our way of life, our family and business, it causes uncertainty, loss of control and limits our freedom. And then again, fear Is NOT the problem - it’s the unconscious nature and denial of fear.

The truth is – our new reality is different and stressful. We have quickly shifted our perceptions in our way of life and we have cleared up more space of emotions, more compassion and ripple awareness. Even though the world is changing, we need to focus on the things we CAN control and take our time to learn, develop ourselves and connect with others. This ultimate control should also be applied to our teams – we need to embrace the learning opportunity we have unexpectedly been given. Managing and controlling our state of mind can help us stay present and choose gratitude over all.

To learn more about Jeff Nischwitz’s Staying Grounded in Uncertain Times session or sign up for our next INsights with INPACT virtual sessions, please get in touch with a member of our Executive Team.

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