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Switzerland Member Caminada Treuhand AG Zug came in the Top 50 of BILANZ Accountants Ranking

The ranking was prepared by the BILANZ partner Statista in a complex procedure. It is based on an online survey of around 7,000 people from the two groups "peers" (tax consultants, auditors, fiduciary experts and lawyers) and "clients" (employees in finance departments and managers of Swiss companies).

What the ranking means for customers of Caminada Treuhand AG:

“The award motivates us to continue to deliver top performance in all areas in which we are active. No matter whether we take care of your personnel administration or your accounting, prepare your tax return, audit your annual accounts or have taken over or are allowed to take over other tasks in the field of fiduciary services for you: You can always count on our full commitment to your cause, our enthusiasm as a service provider and our dedication to the outstanding quality of our work” – Board of Caminada

Only possible thanks to a great team and excellent work

Obtaining a good ranking in a survey of professionals and customers, this is a special pleasure - and is based on hard and very good work. Only a good team, in which each member recognizes the needs of the customers and knows how to convert these into suitable work results, is able to achieve such an award. In this sense, the good ranking is a great compliment of the interviewed customers and peers to all team members at Caminada Treuhand AG.

Rank 13 in the area of personnel administration and social security

“In this area, which we consider one of our strengths, we performed even better than in the overall ranking. This ranking and the 4-star attribute "Frequently recommended by customers and colleagues" are particularly pleasing. Here, too, the compliment goes to all our employees, who produce our customers' payroll runs and statements on time and reliably every month. They also ensure that salary statements are correctly and promptly issued at the end of the year, and that social insurance settlements are accurate” – Board of Caminada

Congratulations Caminada Treuhand AG!

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