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“I received valuable insights and advice that will help us navigate complex tax matters.”

“My name is Kirill Serdotetskiy, the COO at Radiacode LTD, a Cyprus company selling radiation detection devices globally (www.radiacode.com). Selling globally raises the challenge of negotiating taxes in different regions. For example, we wanted to sell to the UK and Switzerland, but being non-EU members with their own VAT, we weren’t sure if we needed to also register as companies in those countries.

These tax issues are serious with significant consequences if not navigated properly. We needed professional consultation, but our accountancy firm was only equipped to advise on operations within Cyprus. However, thankfully our firm is part of a global association of accountancy firms – INPACT – and they put us in contact with INPACT’s head office.

INPACT’s Executive Director Daniel Perez-Mila Leal immediately replied and promised to put me in touch with relevant INPACT local member firms in the UK and Switzerland. The results were exceptional: within three days of enquiring with INPACT, I made local connections in the relevant regions and gained invaluable advice. I am also looking forward to connecting with members in the USA to explore business opportunities there.

Thanks to INPACT’s introduction, I received valuable insights and advice that will help Radiacode in navigating complex tax matters in these countries. Their support not only made this process more manageable but has also further underlined the importance of strong and supportive professional relationships.

I am deeply appreciative of INPACT and the time and effort they put into helping me. I’ve seen first-hand how beneficial the association is, benefitting not just their member firms but their clients too. I look forward to further opportunities for collaboration in the future.”

Kirill Serdotetskiy

COO, Radiacode LTD

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